


It’s generally accepted that confidence plays a very vital role in one’s life. But do you really know what dose self-confidence mean? Well, it means that you have strong belief that you can do things and you will succeed in the end. If you want to do something well, you must have faith in yourself. Just like the old saying goes, confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. Otherwise, you may hardly to do anything right. Some people love to complain how incapable they are or how difficult their tasks are, they never think about the problem in themselves, which is lack of confidence. If they fail, they will refuse to have another try. Then they will never ever have the chance to overcome difficulties.

There are several reasons why people feel no confidence about themselves when they meet the challenges. First of all, they underestimate themselves. Second, they tend to overestimate the problems that in front of them. Last but not least, they are afraid of losing their face or making terrible mistakes if they fail.

There are many ways for us to build up self-confidence. Emerson used to say: “Self-trust is the first secret of success.” Before we do something, we should make full preparations and try to encourage ourselves that we will success. If we fail, don’t be afraid, try again; or turn to others for help. If we can overcome the adversities this time, then we will gain some confidence. Step by step, we would become more and more confident. We should have a right attitude toward our abilities and should never look down upon ourselves. The chief thing to remember is: failure is the mother of success.


People say that self-confidence is half of the success that can bring you courage to stick to what you do. Without self-confidence, one can not do well in anything. Self-confidence is of great importance and value to a person.

Firstly, self-confidence enables us to have the ambition of being successful. Only when you have the ambition to be successful, can you be successful eventually. Secondly, once we gain self-confidence, we will possess the courage and strength to overcome the setbacks and difficulties. With self-confidence, no one and nothing can stop you to success.Thirdly, with self-confidence we may accomplish something which seems to be impossible previously. No great thing is easy for us, therefore we should hold the idea that anything is possible. We should, or have to trust in ourselves.

In short, self-confidence is the spiritual pillar of a person as well as the inherent power, which is of great importance and value to a person.


Hi, everybody, my name is zhang hong, Im glad to introduce you to my school.

My school is divided into nine grade, from first grade to sixth grade primary school on the school buildings, from first to third in the school buildings, grade distribution very well. A total of 5 school buildings in our school, elementary school and junior high school floor, there are two floor is a teaching building, building is another movement.

And there are two on the playground in our school, is a big playground, one is a small playground, big playground is made of rubber, spent the school a lot of money, used to hold the sports meet such as large-scale activities. The small playground is used to do daily activities such as the flag-raising ceremony.

There is a building in our school, is the canteen and dormitory, because is our school, the second middle school, people is more, by bus home far away from the school are also a lot so did our school dormitory and cafeteria.

I think my school is a very good school, sports facilities, medical facilities, transport facilities, the teacher also many, the quality of teaching is also very good, also a lot of classmates, learn also is very good, I love my school!

Introduction after my school, you?


Im your penpal Li Hua.I feel great sorry for I cant reply your e-mail in time.The reason why I reply so late is below:Im preparing for the exam after we start a new term.

I think I should answer your questions.I went on a trip this holiday,and I entered many places of interest,which makes happy.I also read some novels and received the lessons which was learnt from teachers.Im sure I can pass the exam,cant I?

And I considerd how to do in the new term.I had better study more harder in order to get the admission to the college which I want to enter.

How are the things going?Ill appreciate it if you reply me quickly.


There are many factors that can contribute to a person’s success in life. Whether he is at school or at work, a person is more likely to succeed if he is hard-working, honest, intelligent, responsible, and so on. But of all the possible characteristics that can affect one’s success, I believe self-confidence to be the most important for the following reasons.

The first reason is that when a person has self-confidence he believes in himself. He believes that he can and will succeed, and this gives him the courage to try new things.

In order to be successful we must be willing to take some risks, so having self-confidence is very important.

Another reason is that a confident person rarely gives up. When he fails he tries again and again until he wins. A final reason is that confident people are not afraid to show off their achievements. This is not to say that they should brag, but that they should gracefully and confidently accept the compliments of others. When their achievements are noticed more by others at school or work, they are more likely to succeed.

In short, I believe self-confidence to be the most important factor in success. It enables people to take risks, try again when they fail, and enjoy their accomplishments when they win. With these abilities, a confident person can succeed easily at school or work.


“张承辉博客” 广元2022高二期末英语作文 https://www.zhangchenghui.com/67409

上一篇 2022年4月18日 下午8:35
下一篇 2022年4月18日 下午8:35


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