
  The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook is to stimulate the spirit of power source is the emotional rain nourishes the soul(亲情是营造出色人格的人生课本,是激起能量的精神实质原动力,是滋润内心的感情晨露

  If you are a winter grass affection is the sun warm your cold body(如果你是冬日的小草,亲情便是阳光,给你温馨冰凉的躯体

  If you are a winter grass, affection is the sun, warm your cold body。如果你是冬日的小草,亲情便是阳光,给你温馨冰凉的躯体。

  Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts。家是大家挚爱的地区,两脚可以离去,心却不可以。

  A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters。一个好母亲等同于一百多个优秀老师。

  If you are a winter grass affection is the sun warm your cold body

  The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook is to stimulate the spirit of power source is the emotional rain nourishes the soul亲情是营造出色人格的人生课本,是激起能量的精神实质原动力,是滋润内心的感情雨。

  Where we love is home home that our feet may leave but not our hearts

  Be it ever so humble,there is no place like home。 金窝,银窝,比不上自己的小笼子。

  It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements of superiority from their mother

  The family is shaping excellent personality life textbook is to stimulate the spirit of power source is the emotional rain nourishes the soul

  a good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters一个好母亲等同于一百多个优秀老师。

  A placid parent makes a placid home平静的爸爸妈妈造就幸福的家。

  Where we love is home home that our feet may leave but not our hearts(家是大家挚爱的地区,两脚可以离去,心却不可以

“张承辉博客” 委婉表述亲情温暖的句子英语 https://www.zhangchenghui.com/211007

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